About Course

Designed and curated by industry experts, this course is your ultimate guide to gain mastery over the skills required to become an Amazon certified e-commerce consultant to make money on Amazon, the world’s #1 e-commerce business.

The course teaches you the easy hacks to make money when you onboard a new seller, service existing sellers and offer your consulting services to manage the accounts of the sellers. A strong emphasis is laid on preparing the students for clearing the Amazon ATES Certification.

What Will You Learn?

  • The acronym ATES and how you can grow online with the #1 e-commerce giant - Amazon.
  • How to be your own boss by becoming an Amazon Partner, flexible payments; get paid monthly.
  • How to make money when you service an Amazon seller, earn up to INR 75,000 per Amazon Seller.
  • How to get certified in Amazon Trained E-commerce Specialist.

Course Content

Steps to Launch Your Business

  • Intro to Seller Central

Adding Products

Gtin Product ID & Approvals

Orders, Returns & Cancellations


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